ProTrac an ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning Software package that is designed for distributors who have to compete daily with larger wholesale operations. Our ProTrac customer needs all of the modern and up to date business features, but do not have the deep pockets of their competitors. To fill this need we developed ProTrac in the early 90’s and today we have 200 plus small to mid-sized wholesalers in 44 states.
Wholesale Distribution Software at its best
Our customer range from 4 to 50 users and have up 12 branch operations.Because we concentrate our marketing in this marketplace, we have kept both the initial investment and on-going software support affordable. We maintain ProTrac at the highest level of technology. We are constantly updating our software. Annual updates are a part of our monthly support contract. You will never need to purchase our next software release. It is a part of your software support contract.
ProTrac is as new as tomorrow morning
ProTrac can be installed in either:
A Server based installation
A Cloud based Installation
As the customer you make that decision. The Cloud is not for everyman. If you feel uncomfortable having your data stored remotely, we are more than happy to install your data on your own in-house Server. If in the future, you wish to move to a Cloud environment, we would move your data from your server to our Cloud environment.
At PDSI, you are the customer and we work for you
ProTrac offers
Accounting and Finance
Business Intelligence and Reporting
Purchasing Management
Sales Management (five levels of commission)
Inventory Replenishment
At PDSI we designed for our customers a simple and powerful replenishment program because we know that Inventory is the only asset that produces a profit.
Inter-warehouse Transfers for multiple branches
Truck Processing – Selling from your Van or Truck
SWOT Customer Relations Management
Electronic Forms for Emailing, Faxing, or Printing Invoices, Quotes, Purchase Orders
Repair and Service Processing for Tools or Equipment
Repairs are tracked for repairs done in-house or sent to an outside repair facility
ProTrac maintains control of both to help you stay on top of all repair orders
Overseas container processing of Purchase Orders
Kits and Assemblies (Large and Small)
Kits can be built at the time of order
Single Level Assemblies can be built and put on a shelf for resale
Assemblies can be Disassembled and the parts, put back on the shelf
E Business
Interface to your Web Site / Store Front
Internet Ordering, by yourcustomersProLinc, ( Does not require a Web site or Store Front)
Customer can search your inventory
Customer can have Favorite Orders
Customer will only see their pricing and their orders (password protected)
They can look up of all open and closed orders
Customer Can see the Aging of their own account
For More information , Call 305-915-8024 | info@international3pl.com